June 20, 2024
Elevating Wetrok AG

A Decade of Innovation and Design

Over the past decade, Wetrok has changed. It has become a design-driven leader in the cleaning equipment industry, guided by REFRAME Design's expertise. Wetrok is the Swiss market leader in cleaning equipment. For over ten years, we created five innovative products. Our latest project is the Discomatic Mambo 2.0. It shows our commitment to aesthetics, user-friendly design, and sustainability. Discover how thoughtful design improves looks and function. It drives outstanding business success and sustainability.

Elevating Wetrok: A Decade of Innovation and Design with REFRAME Design

REFRAME Design has partnered with Wetrok, the Swiss market leader in cleaning equipment, for over ten years to create innovative, high-performance products. Our latest project, the Discomatic Mambo 2.0, showcases our commitment to professional aesthetics, user-friendly design, and sustainability. Discover how our strategic design approach will help Wetrok achieve outstanding success and set new standards in the industry.

Wetrok Discomatic Mambo

The Challenge

Wetrok approached us with a clear goal: to elevate their product line with a refreshed design language emphasizing professionalism, quality, and subtle elegance. The chosen design is an evolution of the design language developed By REFRAME.
An internal brief at REFRAME was also to create a sustainable product, as we believe good design is sustainable design. Wetrok needed a product that performed exceptionally well and embodied their brand values of being clean, professional, and intuitive. And built on the success of its previous and best-selling machine, Mambo 1.0.

Our Approach

  • 1. Strategic Design Sessions: We began with focused strategy sessions, centering on Wetrok's vision and user needs. These sessions were crucial in crystallizing the brand's essence and setting the tone for the design journey.
  • 2. Design Development: From initial sketches to refined mockups, our design process was enhanced using Virtual Reality (VR). This allowed us to visualize and perfect our concepts, ensuring precision and usability.
  • 3. Refinement: Before creating the final design, Virtual Reality was used to test and refine the final design. Showcasing the Design to the stakeholders and clients.
  • 4. Production: We meticulously planned every element and detail through detailed CAD modeling in the final phase. This attention to detail was vital in creating a product that looked great and met the highest standards of performance and design standards.
Hand sketch exploration for the Wetrok Mambo 2.0
Virtual Reality (VR) exploration for the Wetrok Mambo 2.0
Validating the Design on a 1:1 Prototype

The Result: Discomatic Mambo 2.0

The Discomatic Mambo 2.0 will replace Wetrok's most-sold product, setting a new standard in the industry. Its key features include:

  • High Performance and Efficiency: Designed for cleaning small to medium-sized areas, the Mambo 2.0 offers exceptional cleaning results with minimal personnel.
  • Sustainability: The machine minimizes using fresh water, chemicals, and energy, aligning with modern sustainability standards. This reflects our goal to create a product that is not just environmentally friendly but also economically smart, contributing to the sustainability of revenue for Wetrok.
  • User-Friendly Design: Ergonomically designed with adjustable handles and an intuitive display, the Mambo 2.0 ensures comfortable, fatigue-free operation.
  • Professional Aesthetics: The design emphasizes quality and professionalism without being overly loud, reinforcing Wetrok's brand identity.

The Benefits of Working with REFRAME Design

  • Enhanced Design DNA: We help companies like Wetrok develop a consistent and recognizable design language that sets them apart from the competition and creates the competitive advantage.
  • Increased Sales and Market Presence: Our designs have a proven track record of boosting sales and improving market position.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Good design is sustainable design. We focus on creating products that are environmentally friendly and reduce waste. Sustainable design is not just about the materials used, but also about the aesthetics and branding.
  • Value Addition: Design is not just about aesthetics; it's a strategic asset that adds tangible value to a business. Our designs improve user experience, increase product longevity, and enhance brand reputation.
Wetrok Discomatic Mambo LED light solution

Good Design is Sustainable!

Good design is sustainable because it emphasizes durability, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Here are a few reasons why good design inherently promotes sustainability:

  • Durability: Well-designed products are built to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. This long-term use conserves resources and lowers the overall environmental impact.
  • Resource Efficiency: Good design optimizes the use of materials and energy. Using fewer resources and maximizing efficiency reduces the environmental footprint during production, use, and disposal.
  • Reduction of Waste: Sustainable design considers a product's entire lifecycle, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal. It aims to minimize waste by designing for recyclability and reuse.
  • Energy Conservation: Products designed with energy efficiency in mind consume less power during their operation, saving costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Economic Benefits: Sustainable design is economically smart. It reduces costs associated with production, maintenance, and disposal and can improve a company's bottom line while also appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Good design ensures that products are user-friendly and meet consumers' needs, leading to longer product lifespans and reducing the tendency to discard and replace items prematurely.
  • Reduced Marketing Investments: A well-designed product that effectively meets user needs and stands out in the market can reduce the need for extensive marketing campaigns, as satisfied customers and word-of-mouth become powerful marketing tools.
  • Lower Product Development Costs: Investing in good design upfront can reduce the need for frequent redesigns and updates, lowering overall product development costs.
  • Reduced Communication Costs: A clear and consistent design language minimizes the need for new communication strategies, saving time and money on marketing and promotional efforts.
  • Positive Brand Image: Companies that invest in sustainable design practices build a positive brand image, attracting customers who value environmental responsibility and sustainability.

In summary, good design is sustainable because it focuses on creating durable, efficient, and environmentally responsible products. These benefit the planet and the economy while reducing marketing, development, and communication costs.


Our decade-long collaboration with Wetrok shows the power of strategic design. It helps achieve business goals. By focusing on innovation, sustainability, and user needs.
This approach helped Wetrok create standout products that perform very well. At REFRAME Design, we are proud to help our clients turn their ideas into reality. Through thoughtful design, they achieve lasting success.

Contact us: hello (at) reframe.design

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